The Cobalt Mines and the Kittelsen Museum

Blaafarveværket consists of a number of cultural monuments that convey an important phase in Norwegian industrial history. In the 1840s, Blaafarveværket was Norway's largest mining operation with significant exports to the world in general and Europe in particular.

The Cobalt Mines and the Kittelsen Museum is located on the Skuterud Ridge and extends over an area of ​​3 kilometers. It was here that cobalt ore was first discovered in 1772, forming the basis for the Cobalt Works. This unique cultural landscape was shaped by the miners who took out millions of tons of rock by hand. The area has been well-designed for excursions and is easily accessible.

The Director of cultural heritage in Norway Hanna Geiran stated the following on 21 May 2022: "It [Blaafarveværket] is a very important place in Norwegian history - and also international history. […] It was long forgotten, this industrial adventure. It has been brought forward, and precisely the fact that we are celebrating and celebrating the discovery of cobalt is incredibly interesting - and it is important that more people gain knowledge about it."

Kittelsenmuseet på Koboltgruvene

The Kittelsen Museum

Gruvekroa, Koboltgruvene

The Miner's Inn

Dagbrudd i Nordgruvene, med blåse som markerer første malmfunn. Tone Steinsvik som ser utover. Koboltgruvene.

North Mines Trail

Sydgruvene, Koboltgruvene. Kultursti

South Mines Trail

Barn ser på utstilling i gruvemuseene, Scheidehuset, Koboltgruvene.

The mining museums


Mining shop with tourist information

Dagbrudd i Nordgruvene, med blåse som markerer første malmfunn. Tone Steinsvik som ser utover. Koboltgruvene.

The hunt for cobalt

Kittelsen interiør

The all embracing artist Theodor Kittelsen

Historical Mining Tour in the Cobalt Mines

Our most popular guided tour, Historical Mining in the Cobalt Mines, is packed with history and excitement and is best suited for children and adults from 10 years and up. Highlights on the tour include walking over a “floating” glass floor and 32-meter-long underground suspension bridge—the first in Norway!

Barn i Koboltgruvene

Children's Mine Tour

Fra Gruvesafari i Koboltgruvene

Mining safari

Opening hours

Season opening 24 May 2025
24 May - 22 June
Tuesday - Friday 13-16
Saturday - Sunday 11-17
Open on Ascension Day and 2nd Pentecost
23 June - 17 August
Every day 11-17
18 August - 5 October
Tuesday - Friday 13-16
Saturday - Sunday 11-17

An eight-kilometer drive on the old Malmveien from Blaafarveværket is the start of this adventure up on the hill. The ore road was built in 1836 to transport ore from the Cobalt Mines down to the Blaafarveværket, and was at one time one of the country's busiest roads.

Today, the road follows the exact same route as when it was built, and along the way you can see both the beautiful cultural landscape and the "troll" in Overnskreia. The cobalt mines, which in the middle of the 19th century were Norway's largest workplace, are a fantastic area that reveals itself when you get up. It just has to be experienced.

If you are going to visit the Cobalt Mines, and we hope you do, we recommend setting aside an entire day. There is so much to see and do, simply!

Take your starting point in Gruvekroa on Gruvetråkka. Here you get all the information you need, you can buy tickets for guided tours in the Cobalt Mines - and we serve homemade food that can be enjoyed both outside and inside.

We have three different guided tours in the Cobalt Mines, and there are tours several times every day. Take a look at the pages here, and talk to the staff, and you will find the trip that suits you or your group!

Gruvetråkka is the yard which is surrounded by a number of buildings. Scheidehuset, Bergmesterstuen and Marketenteriet have been reconstructed in their original form and converted into museums. Here you get an insight into working methods and work tools from the mining industry, with samples from our rich archive material. Barnas Verksted and Barnas Hus are also located on the mining track. Here the little ones can try their hand at carpentry, nature trails and much more.

The cobalt mines are a fantastic hiking area, and we have therefore arranged two cultural trails. Nordgruvene Rundt and Sydgruvene Rundt take you past the huge open pits and rock mounds. You will also experience unforgettable viewpoints with panoramic views of the Tyrifjord and Vikersundbakken.

DNT has marked an 11 km long path all the way from Haugfoss and up to the unattended tourist cabin Koboltkoia - idyllically located on the North Mines. There is also a very interesting cultural trail that takes you to the old settlements in the area.

The Kittelsen Museum is also located here by the Cobalt Mines. This building was once home to the miners, while today it creates an adventurous setting around the exhibition for our national artist Theodor Kittelsen. Right behind the museum is a tourist binoculars that give you an insane panoramic view of Modum, Tyrifjorden and Ringerike. What better way to honor one of our greatest Norwegian nature painters?

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