About the museum

The Royal Cobalt Works factory has a long history and was established as early as 1776. For over 100 years, thousands of people worked to extract cobalt from the deep mines at Modum. This special metal was used to make cobalt blue paint - which in turn was supplied to the entire world’s porcelain and glass industry. In fact, between 1773 and 1893, Norwegian cobalt extraction accounted for as much as 80 % of the world’s production!

Blid betjening i Turistinformasjonen på Blaafarveværket.


Tone Sinding Steinsvik på hengebroen i Koboltgruvene.

Our employees

Gruvetråkka. Foto Gercke, 1860-årene

The story

Tone og Kjell Steinsvik.

About the foundation

Inngangen til Blaafarveværket fra parkeringen.

About the facilities

Oversiktsbilde gruvetråkka, Koboltgruvene.


Sverre Følstad forteller om Theodor Kittelsen på Kittelsen-museet på Koboltgruvene.


Hans Dahl


Fra omvisning på maleriutstillingen på Blaafarveværket.

Public Engagement

Blaafarveværkets dokumentasjonssenter.

Documentation center and archive

Oversiktsbilde Blaafarveværket. ca. 1900.

Stories from the archive

Glasshytten på Blaafarveværket

50th anniversary


Prosjekt UNESCO verdensarvstatus

Today, there is no longer any mining activity at Modum, but the stories of an ancient industry are still told. Over the course of a 50-year period, a meeting place has been built where a wide audience will be able to have good art, culture and nature experiences at the same time as they learn about this important industrial history.

The museum has become a complete recreational offer for the whole family - and is an important player in tourism in the region. For us, it is about caring for both the whole and the small details, and we believe this is reflected in the fact that people return year after year. For many, it is not the right summer without a trip to Blaafarveværket.