Accommodation and other activities nearby
In Modum you will find both hotel, campsite, farm accommodation and guest house within 15 min. drive from Blaafarveværket. At Koboltgruvene is DNT's new Turisthytta Koboltkoia.

Below you will find a list of activities in Modum municipality and accommodation in the region. We are a member of the destination company Visit Norefjell which covers our region with the municipalities of Modum, Sigdal, Krødsherad and Flå.
Activities Modum:
High & Low, 2 minutes from Blaafarveværket
Vikersund Ski Flying Hill, 15 minutes from Blaafarveværket
Koboltkoia - The tourist cabin at the Cobalt Mines
Wooden top cabin on Simostranda, 5 minutes from Blaafarveværket. Facebook / Instagram
Stolpehytta - 2 minutes from Blaafarveværket, at Høyt & Lavt
Wesseltunet, 9 km from Blaafarveværket. Tel: 906 08 566 and e-mail:
The cottage garden Lia, Old residence attached the Cobalt Mines.
Bobilparkering i Vikersund Hoppsenter
Eika Cottage, 7 km from Blaafarveværket.
Halvorseth Landhandel og Camping