Children's farm
Barnas Bondegård, the Children’s Farm, is a perennial hit with little ones. A number of gentle animals live at this child-friendly attraction, which includes historic old farm buildings. The Farm even has its own sheltered picnic area. What could be cozier than enjoying a packed lunch while chickens cluck and forage nearby?
Many children get in close contact with animals for the very first time here at the Children's Farm. The courtyard with old buildings where the animals roam freely, is one of our very popular activities for children.
Pigs, calves, horses, chickens and goats are familiar sights on farms around the country, of course, but a lot of children have never met any in real life. Here at the Children’s Farm, they’ll be welcomed by curious baby goats as soon as they enter the gate: these little “kids” love to jump, bounce and climb around the boulders and hide under the barn. Our calves enjoy grazing on grass in the meadow and being petted by visitors. The pigs have their own pen, and you can stand by the fence and watch them roll around in the mud—which is what pigs like doing best.
The most popular inhabitants of the Children’s Farm are our rabbits. If you’re feeling brave, ask someone who works here if you can carefully hold and pet them!
In the barn, we show an exhibition of old farm implements. The buildings on the farm have been moved here from farms around the district. We also have an old tractor which is popular to "test drive". Outside the farm, there are also a couple of shelters that you can use for picnic on a rainy day.
Admission to the Children’s Farm is free.
PS! Remember to visit the Children’s Bouldering Cave, an other free activity for children at Blaafarveværket.